
What To Buy Detergent For Color Cloths

Laundry detergent might not be the outset matter that comes to mind when you call back nigh your environmental impact.

It's obvious that washing our dress to vesture again is less wasteful than throwing them away later on ane wearing! And in order to go clothes clean and fresh, nosotros need to brand the water all soapy, so the water-treatment system just has to bargain with that, right?

It'southward only because I happened to encounter a magazine ad two decades ago, for what was then an obscure little visitor called Seventh Generation, that I realized we as consumers can choose laundry detergents made from renewable resources instead of petrochemicals to reduce toxic pollutants in our water!

Wastewater treatment plants focus mainly on controlling harmful leaner and aren't very good at removing chemic contaminants, and then nosotros need to be responsible virtually what goes downward our drains.1

washing machine

H2o pollution affects not just fish and tadpoles but our own drinking water and everything nosotros consume!

Every food comes from an organism that drank water. A cow who drank polluted water and ate grain that was grown with polluted water inevitably passes on some of those toxins in her milk and meat.

Keeping Earth'south h2o make clean protects ourselves as well every bit "Nature."

Choosing Environmentally Friendly Laundry Detergent

After finding that found-based detergent gets my laundry only as make clean and fresh-smelling as petroleum-based detergent, I never turned back! I've eagerly tried many different brands of institute-based cleaners–not just for laundry but for dishes, body, and general cleaning–and almost all of them have been very constructive.

Making green choices is easier now than ever before in my lifetime! 7th Generation and other eco-brands are now on the shelves of major chain stores, with many brands offer dissimilar scents and other variations to arrange anybody's needs.

The problem with having a lot of options is that it can get confusing! Sometimes it's merely easier to grab some other package of something familiar than to endeavor something new.

Before this year, my Facebook feed suddenly was brindled with ads for "laundry strips." What??

My first reaction was that these were for people as well lazy to measure detergent, and probably these strips were just stupidly wasteful . . . although I did observe that all of the several brands I was seeing seemed to exist eco-minded . . . I assumed the strips were individually wrapped or peeled off a plastic sail.

So I was watching some videos with my girl, and one of them was preceded by an advertising for Tru Earth Eco-Strips. Hey, really, the packaging looked actually minimal and seemed to exist just cardboard! The advert was all about reducing plastic pollution, and information technology had always bothered me that all my plant-based detergents were packaged in ways that involved at to the lowest degree some non-recyclable plastic.

That's when I asked the Kitchen Stewardship® team if we could get a free sample of laundry strips for me to review. Tru Earth generously sent me 64 Eco-Strips: 32 fragrance-gratuitous and 32 "fresh linen" odour! My family put them to the test.

Tru Earth laundry strips

What'due south the Best Eco-Friendly Detergent?

There are two large considerations in choosing a detergent that'southward like shooting fish in a barrel on the Earth: the detergent itself, and the packaging.

What Is the Environmental Bear upon of Laundry Detergent?

After cleaning your clothes, laundry detergent is rinsed downwardly the pipe. Most of it goes to a wastewater treatment establish for cleaning before it's discharged into a river, lake, or ocean–or sent directly to a water handling plant to exist further cleaned up to drinking-h2o standards. Some of it escapes the system and pours untreated into the natural environment. What floats along with those suds?

washing machine suds

Surfactants reduce surface tension, helping to pull dirt off fabric and keep it off until it's rinsed away. The trouble is that surfactants keep on reducing surface tension long after they've left your laundry room and flowed downstream, stripping away fishes' protective mucus layer that prevents pollutants and parasites from burrowing into their flesh.

Some surfactants also are endocrine disruptors, dissentious the hormonal systems of aquatic animals so that they don't breed successfully.two

Surfactants in our h2o may be affecting human wellness and fertility as well, when that contaminated h2o makes its fashion back to our taps and beverage-bottling plants.

Parabens are preservatives that persist in the environment and may be linked to endocrine disruption, thyroid problems, and obesity. Although parabens are classified as safety past U.s. regulatory agencies, the correlations between loftier paraben levels in the torso and poor health are worrisome.

Read Katie'south report on parabens and call up about whether you want your family, or any of us who alive downstream from you, to be the guinea pigs in the "Let's meet how much it takes to be proven toxic" experiment!

Chlorine bleach, added to many laundry detergents as a disinfectant and stain remover, is not as dangerous to the environment as it is to man health: Chlorine rest in our laundry or chlorine fumes in the air when the washing automobile is running tin can aggravate or fifty-fifty cause asthma, equally well as irritating our peel and eyes.3

i,4-dioxane is a flammable, explosive, cancer-causing chemical byproduct created as a side effect of a process to reduce the skin-irritating tendencies of harsh chemicals–solving one problem by creating another!

Because it's not an "ingredient" intentionally added to products, 1,4-dioxane does not have to be disclosed on labels, but laboratory testing has detected it in many laundry detergents as well as shampoos and shower gels.4, 5

Many synthetic detergents also kill fish by damaging their gills and/or have furnishings that are non-lethal only unhealthy: slowed growth, difficulty eating, and sensory damage. Invertebrate aquatic animals similar plankton (a major food source for fish) are extremely sensitive to detergents.6

ocean waves

Optical brighteners are added to many detergents even though they take no cleaning power whatsoever! They merely make white dress more than bluish than yellowish so that they look "brighter."

Quite a diverseness of toxic chemicals have this eye-fooling effect . . . and likewise have other effects on humans and animals, like skin and center irritation, cancer, liver damage, decreased centre charge per unit, difficulty animate, and birth defects. seven

Phosphates are the detergent ingredient I heard worries about as a child in the 1970s and 1980s. Phosphates stimulate the growth of algae in water, throwing the ecosystem out of balance by depleting oxygen in the h2o then fish can't breathe.8

Yet, phosphates in laundry detergent accept been banned in nearly states and countries, so they're like shooting fish in a barrel to avert now! The principal source of phosphates in our water now is fertilizer that washes off farm fields, then that's some other skillful reason to support regenerative agriculture. . . .

So, the ingredients in our detergent tin can cause big trouble downstream, making it harder to observe safety and tasty fish and seaweed to eat and impacting our oceans' oxygen production.9
But the contents of that detergent bottle, purse, or box aren't the only result. . . .

Life Wheel of a Laundry Detergent Package

Let's say you buy liquid laundry detergent in a plastic canteen. That canteen was made from petroleum–a express, non-renewable resources–and a lot of fuel was burned to drill for the petroleum, truck it to a processing establish, operate a bunch of big machines to convert it into plastic, truck the plastic nurdles to a factory, and operate some more big machines to dye the plastic an appealing colour and form it into a canteen.

After you lot've emptied it, the bottle is "recyclable"–y'all can put information technology out for curbside collection in many places–but plastic recycling is inefficient and ofttimes just doesn't happen.10

Many detergent bottles are hard to recycle because the spout and/or cap are fabricated from a different type of plastic than the master bottle.

What if you purchase detergent in a plastic pouch? That's less plastic per load of laundry, but the pouch ordinarily isn't recyclable. It's only going into the landfill forever. Some of those pouches are made of layers of unlike kinds of plastic, so they'll be difficult to recycle fifty-fifty if we kickoff mining landfills in the futurity!

detergent bottles

Powdered detergent in a cardboard box might seem similar a better solution, but is that "cardboard" box really recyclable or compostable? Look closely!

Some boxes are lined with plastic to protect the powder from humid air that would make it clump together. Some boxes have a plastic strip that yous pull to open the box, and it leaves behind a strip of plastic along either border of the opening. Some boxes have a plastic handle on summit. Some have a plastic or metal pouring spout embedded in the side. A person could put a lot of endeavour into tearing apart a detergent box to separate the recyclable textile, and could get hurt on the sharp edges! Most people aren't going to go through the trouble.

Some of Seventh Generation's liquid detergents now are packaged in the Ecologic newspaper bottle, which is a bottle-shaped outer shell fabricated of recycled newspaper/paper-thin effectually a lightweight plastic pocketbook of detergent with a plastic spout at the height.

I've tried this packaging, and it works fine but is complicated to suspension down: Pull the stickers off the bottle and throw them away. Open the cardboard shell and take out the plastic. Put the paper-thin in your compost bin or cardboard recycling. Cut the plastic bag off the spout, throw away the spout, rinse the bag (takes a lot of water to get all the detergent off!) and hang it upwards to dry. Afterward, put the pocketbook in a plastic-film recycling bin exterior a supermarket or Target, not in curbside recycling.

Any of these packages is a fashion of transporting and storing heavy detergent that takes up a lot of space. A lot of fuel is burned hauling trucks full of these packages across the country! Could at that place be a ameliorate manner?

What Are Laundry Strips?

What if you sucked all the water out of the liquid laundry detergent? Then it wouldn't be then heavy. What if you lot smashed the powdered laundry detergent into a flat sheet? Then it wouldn't need such a big package.

My showtime impression, when I received my sample of laundry strips and took one out of the bundle, was that information technology's like a fruit leather fabricated of laundry detergent. Could that really be truthful? I wondered what type of binding agents were needed to hold the detergent together in this form that but barely feels soapy to my dry mitt.

Tru Earth's website doesn't really answer that question, merely it did reassure me that the detergent itself is safety for my family and our environment! Tru Globe Eco-Strips are

  • gratis of parabens, chlorine bleach, 1,4-dioxane, and phosphates
  • certified hypoallergenic
  • not made from or tested on animals
  • gratuitous of gluten and palm oil

Tru Globe as well says its Eco-Strips are 94% lighter weight per laundry load, compared to liquid and pulverization detergents. If all of the 30 billion laundry loads washed in North America each year were done with Eco-Strips instead of conventional detergents, the fuel savings and pollution reduction would be equivalent to taking 27 meg cars off the road for a day.

Eco-Strips are "readily biodegradable in accordance with OECD 310D." What does that mean??

Biodegradable–That'due south Skilful, Correct?

As a cynical environmentalist, I've learned that some things advertised as "biodegradable" actually take decades to disuse or require special high-temperature composting facilities. That wouldn't be the instance with this product that dissolves in the washing auto. But does it exit some kind of persistent goo floating in the rinse water?

I answered that question past looking up "OECD 310D." This biodegradability standard used by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Evolution measures how much a substance breaks downwardly during a 28-day laboratory exam.11

I didn't understand this very well, 30 years after studying chemistry! So I looked for more explanation of how to translate the classifications resulting from this test.

Turns out that Tru Earth comes down on the greener side of the stardom betwixt ii terms that both audio skilful: inherently biodegradable and readily biodegradable. These are two categories along the continuum of how much a substance breaks downward in 28 days. Less than 20% is considered not biodegradable, 20-60% is "inherently biodegradable" meaning we assume it will degrade completely after more time, and 60-100% is "readily biodegradable" meaning information technology breaks up apace.12

We want detergents to degrade quickly into harmless molecules that alloy back into nature, rather than causing water pollution!

Did you know that essential oils have a shelf life?

Katie here, popping in to tell you that those essential oils that take been sitting in your cabinet for a couple years and are still half full may have expired. Read more nigh what I learned when researching this topic, and you can fifty-fifty have the handy printable I fabricated to help me remember how long which oils last.

Okay, corking, it's prophylactic for the environment. But what are these strips that melt, mayhap leaving some residue on the clothes we wear against our skin, the pillowcases we press against our trusting faces all night, the cloth napkins with which we wipe our mouths?

Tru Earth Eco-Strips and other laundry strips are held together by a "biodegradable supporting matrix" of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), a synthetic polymer that does non occur in nature but is made in laboratories by dissolving vinyl acetate in methyl alcohol.xiii

That doesn't sound like something safe enough to eat, does it? Even so PVA is approved in the United states and the European Matrimony and past the World Wellness Organization every bit a food glaze and thickener, as well as a paper coating and yarn strengthener.fourteen, 15 It's non-toxic and barely captivated by our digestive tract.xvi

The Environmental Working Grouping, known for its high standards for ingredient prophylactic and eco-friendliness, puts PVA in the #i safest category. 17

Although EWG says there isn't actually enough inquiry on whether PVA exposure may be connected to cancer, there is so far no evidence of that connectedness.

laundry pods

PVA is the same substance used as the outer layer of detergent pods that deliquesce in the clothes washer or dishwasher. Grist mag explained several years ago that the ecology and health concerns related to detergent pods are all about the detergent that'southward in them and the bulky plastic packaging, not about the pod itself.eighteen

More recent articles from ii other reliable eco-news sources, Treehugger and Life Without Plastic, affirmed the safety of laundry strips.19, xx

Both of them reviewed Dizolve, the original proper name of the laundry strips at present marketed past Tru Earth.

Plastic-Complimentary Packaging?

Tru Earth Eco-Strips are NOT peeled off a plastic bankroll; they are NOT individually wrapped; they are NOT in a bundle that looks like paper-thin but turns out to accept a plastic layer. The strips are simply placed inside a medium-weight cardboard envelope. The outside layer of the cardboard is glossy paper like a magazine page, not plastic.

Cardboard is made from wood lurid, a renewable resources–and it typically contains some recycled paper, besides. Almost curbside recycling programs take paper-thin. Information technology also breaks downward speedily in even an amateur backyard compost bin, interim as a "brown" material that balances "green" like vegetable scraps to optimize decomposition.

Earlier disposing of paper-thin, you tin can reuse it for making signs, name tags, drawer dividers, or many kinds of craft projects!

tearing a Tru Earth laundry strip

Eco-Strips come in pairs: Ii strips make upward one sheet, and you tear forth the dotted line to separate them. You'll want to have dry hands when you reach into the package and tear off a strip, because they practise brainstorm to melt immediately when they get wet. . . .

RELATED: Soap nuts? An all natural detergent!

Using Tru Earth Eco-Strips: How Well Do They Work?

I read several reviews mentioning that, if your washing machine has a detergent compartment, yous'll need to tear the strip into several smaller pieces to make sure it dissolves completely. My motorcar doesn't have a detergent compartment–it's a classic, elementary, top-loading washer, about 25 years former–so I simply dropped the strip into the machine.

The first time I used a laundry strip, I started the water flowing into the machine, put in the laundry, and then placed the strip on meridian of the laundry correct nether the water. I could see information technology melting equally the water poured onto it. This is probably the all-time mode to brand certain the strip dissolves completely and the detergent gets thoroughly distributed into the water.

load of laundry

All the same, I got equally adept results the times I dropped in the strip more than randomly. The once I purposely put it in the very bottom of the tub at the opposite side from the h2o arrival, and and then put a heavy terry bathrobe correct on meridian of it, I did detect a niggling sort of glutinous lint booger-thing on the bathrobe afterward washing. It wasn't equally messy or hard to remove as the clumps of powder detergent I've sometimes seen (when I overloaded the automobile or when the detergent had clumped and I didn't crumble it), and I felt that everything in the load had gotten clean.

Although my washing machine is very large and I generally pack it every bit full as possible, one strip was enough for every load. I've recently been using two scoops per load of Molly'south Suds powder detergent considering I wasn't satisfied with the cleanliness when I only used 1 scoop in a large load.

RELATED: Molly's Suds review.

My family tested Tru Earth Eco-Strips in eight loads of laundry, and in every case the strip worked merely every bit well as our usual detergent. For the starting time load, we even tried to stain some washcloths on purpose with foods that ofttimes stain, like ketchup and soy sauce, and some markers that are supposed to exist washable but had stained our clothes before. The strips cleaned them upward completely!

washcloths before and after washing

I also did "before" and "later on" comparisons of some items that happened to be pretty dirty, like my daughter'south clothes with chocolate all over information technology!

dress before and after washing

A load of dish towels and cloth napkins came out bright and fresh–even some that nosotros've had for many years and used heavily–simply the terrible stains from blueberry juice got only a petty fainter.

My conclusion is that Tru Earth Eco-Strips don't have unusually skilful stain-removal power, just they exercise quite well on organic stains that are relatively fresh, not as well on "sidewalk dirt" that includes stuff like automotive soot, leather dye that soaks into socks when shoes go wet, or old stains that survived previous washings.

Even the unscented strips left clothes smelling clean when they came out of the washing machine. I line-dry all my laundry in our basement, and during a contempo spell of damp weather, some of it got a bit muddy-smelling while hanging. That'due south why I generally prefer laundry detergent with some lingering fragrance, as long equally information technology's non too strong. Tru Earth'south "fresh linen" fragrance is pleasant but not overpowering, keeping my dress smelling mildly soapy/flowery through 48 hours in the basement.

clothes hanging to dry

Downsides of Tru Earth Eco-Strips

The master thing that stops me from saying I'll never buy another jug of liquid laundry detergent over again is that laundry strips are more expensive per load than the detergents I've been buying. Tru Earth is pricier than some other laundry strips on the market (which I haven't tried, but which seem to have similarly light-green credentials) so I'll compare them, likewise:

  • Tru Earth Eco-Strips are $35.95 for 64 loads = 56 cents per load.
  • Earth Cakewalk (another laundry strip available) are $20 for sixty loads = 33 cents per load.
  • Sheets Laundry Club strips are $17.88 for 50 loads = 36 cents per load.
  • Lazy Coconuts strips are $xiv.95 for 48 loads = 31 cents per load.
  • 7th Generation liquid is $12.99 for 53 loads = 24 cents per load.
  • Molly's Suds pulverization is $xiii.99 for 70 loads = xx cents per load. Simply look! I've been using ii scoops per load in my big washing auto, then I must be getting only 35 loads per pouch–that makes it 40 cents per load, similar to the cheaper brands of laundry strips, if they work well enough to use one strip per load!

If laundry strips go more than pop, information technology'due south likely that the price volition come downwardly and they'll be more available in stores, not simply online. I'll definitely practice some other price cheque when I'one thousand ready to buy more detergent, after my family finishes using this generous complimentary sample!

1 issue with the slim cardboard envelope in which Tru Earth (and other brands of laundry strips) are packaged: What if the parcel gets moisture?

Since the strips are designed to dissolve in water, wouldn't they exist easily damaged by even a small corporeality of moisture soaking through the package? And since the package is paper-thin with a glossy exterior but no plastic lining, wouldn't it easily permit moisture soak through? It's non even sealed along all the edges.

I decided to blueprint an experiment to test this, sacrificing only 2 laundry strips and using a simulated bundle and then that I could continue the existent packages to shop my remaining strips.

experiment with Tru Earth laundry strips

My girl helped me compare the paperboard items in our recycling bin to the Eco-Strips bundle, to select paperboard of a similar thickness and exterior glossiness. We chose this butter box, placed 2 strips inside overlapping, folded downward all the flaps, and secured them with clear tape.

And then nosotros dipped one side of the bundle into a bowl of water for just 5 seconds. Then we opened it and pulled out the strips as quickly as possible.

Tru Earth laundry strip review experiment

Our determination is that even a brief splash of water will soak correct through the cardboard package, and the strips will begin dissolving immediately. The strip that was farther from the wet edge of the package just got mushy forth the border and lightly stuck to the other strip, but the one that got really wet could non be removed intact and left almost 10% of itself stuck to the cardboard. You could ruin $35.95 worth of laundry detergent with ane careless splash!

Tru Earth laundry strip experiment

But that doesn't mean Tru World ought to be giving us a watertight package with every purchase. At that place are other ways!

A quick look in our "empty containers we might be able to reuse" pile constitute 1 of those large, clear-plastic boxes from fresh spinach–the kind of flimsy, wrong-shaped container that'south non accepted past our local recycling programs. We attempt non to buy these!

Commonly, we go plenty of spinach from our CSA farm, in plastic bags that are reusable and recyclable . . . simply when we tin can't resist buying supermarket spinach, this big box is great for packing up leftover cookies or crackers later church coffee hour . . . but, of class, we haven't had any coffee hours during the pandemic. I'one thousand excited that nosotros can repurpose this spinach box to protect our laundry strips from whatever splashy mishaps in the laundry room!

Tru Earth laundry strips in a plastic box

It'southward worth mentioning that powdered laundry detergent besides is vulnerable to moisture, even when packed in plastic. Molly's Suds comes in a plastic pouch with "zip" top, which nosotros always close advisedly, yet somehow enough moisture from the ambient air gets into the pouch that sometimes the detergent gets all clumped upward. I have to smack the pouch against the side of the machine and lean on it to break upward the lumps!

The higher cost and demand for an added storage container are downsides, only laundry strips have a lot of advantages:

  • saving energy in the process of getting detergent to your dwelling
  • convenient pre-measured detergent with no need for a scoop or cup
  • good cleaning power without the environmental damage
  • a packet that can go correct into cardboard recycling or your home compost bin without whatever complicated tear-down

Overall, I'one thousand then impressed with Tru World Eco-Strips that I'll seriously consider switching to laundry strips for all my future laundry detergent purchases!

Give them a try here!

Have you tried laundry strips?


  1. Bienkowski, B. (2013, November 22). Only Half of Drugs Removed by Sewage Handling. Retrieved from https://world wide
  2. Hill, C. (2018, December 5). Environmental Impacts of Detergent. Retrieved from
  3. California Department of Pesticide Regulation. (north.d.). What's the problem with bleach?[PDF File]. Retrieved from
  4. EPA. (2017, November). Technical Fact Sheet – i,4-Dioxane. [PDF File]. Retrieved from
  5. Abel, P.D. (1974, May). Toxicity of synthetic detergents to fish and aquatic invertebrates. Retrieved from
  6. Schwartz, D. (2018, July 9). Tests rank household products with high dioxane levels, LI group says. Retrieved from
  7. Hunter, K. (2012, Dec 14). Optical Brighteners: The Dangers of Bluing. Retrieved from
  8. Greenish, J. (2018, August 6). How Do Phosphates Impact Water Quality? Retrieved from
  9. Morsink, K. (2017, July). With Every Breath You Take, Thank the Body of water. Retrieved from https://body of
  10. Sullivan, L. (2020, September 11). How Large Oil Misled The Public Into Assertive Plastic Would Be Recycled. Retrieved from
  11. OECD. (2014). Test No. 310: Prepare Biodegradability – CO2 in sealed vessels (Headspace Test), OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Department 3. OECD Publishing, Paris.
  12. FBR Chemical. (2013, Baronial 8). Understanding Biodegradability. Retrieved from https://world wide
  13. Saxena, S.K. (2004). POLYVINYL ALCOHOL (PVA) – Chemic and Technical Assessment (CTA). [PDF File]. Retrieved from
  14. WHO. (n.d.) POLYVINYL ALCOHOL. Evaluations of the Joint FAO/WHO Proficient Committee on Food Additives (JECFA). Retrieved from
  15. Encyclopaedia Britannica. (northward.d.). Polyvinyl alcohol. Retrieved from
  16. DeMerlis, C. C., & Schoneker, D. R. (2003). Review of the oral toxicity of polyvinyl booze (PVA). Food and chemical toxicology : an international periodical published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association, 41(3), 319–326.
  17. EWG. (northward.d.). POLYVINYL ALCOHOL. Retrieved from
  18. Umbra. (2016, February 26). Detergent pods are handy, but can I apply them with a clean censor? Retrieved from
  19. Martinko, K. (2020, November xviii). Ditch the Laundry Jugs and Go Plastic-Gratuitous. Retrieved from https://world wide
  20. Life Without Plastic. (due north.d.). Dizolving the Laundry Detergent Eco-Disaster While Cleaning Your Dress. Retrieved from


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